Allows you to embed MUMPS code directly into your CFML pages.
Tag Body
MUMPS code. Any WRITE statements in this code will be output to the document. You may include references to CFML variables using the standard CFML #variableName# syntax within your MUMPS code, subject to the standard CFML rules. Newline characters produced by inline code will be replaced with <br> tags before being written to the document.
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Inline MUMPS Demo</title>
<h1>Inline MUMPS Demo</h1>
<cfset myName = "John Willis">
W "Hello, #myName#!",!
F I=1:1:10 D
. W "<p>I have said ""Hello, world!"" ",i," times!",!
</html> |