Globals API Instantiation
Creates a new instance of the lib.cfmumps.Global component, associating it with a MUMPS global or global sub-tree. All subsequent calls to methods of the returned component instance will act upon the global or global sub-tree referenced here.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
globalName | string | Yes | - | The name of the desired global. |
subscripts | array | Yes | - | An array of subscripts. May be empty to address the root node and all children of the global. |
atomic | boolean | No | true | If true, any call to getObject() or setObject() will be guarded with MUMPS incremental locks. |
lockTimeout | numeric | No | 5 | The number of seconds after which atomic operations will fail if a lock is not successfully acquired. Applies only if the atomic argument is true. |
Return Value
Returns a component, which is an instance of lib.cfmumps.Global. This facilitates method chaining.
glob = new lib.cfmumps.Global("VA", [200]);
<cfset glob = new lib.cfmumps.Global("VA", [200])>