Globals API Instantiation

Creates a new instance of the lib.cfmumps.Global component, associating it with a MUMPS global or global sub-tree. All subsequent calls to methods of the returned component instance will act upon the global or global sub-tree referenced here.


globalNamestringYes-The name of the desired global.
subscriptsarrayYes-An array of subscripts. May be empty to address the root node and all children of the global.
atomicbooleanNotrueIf true, any call to getObject() or setObject() will be guarded with MUMPS incremental locks.
lockTimeoutnumericNo5The number of seconds after which atomic operations will fail if a lock is not successfully acquired. Applies only if the atomic argument is true.

Return Value

Returns a component, which is an instance of lib.cfmumps.Global. This facilitates method chaining.


glob = new lib.cfmumps.Global("VA", [200]);
<cfset glob = new lib.cfmumps.Global("VA", [200])>