Developer Reference
"Everything is going to be connected to cloud and data... All of this will be mediated by software."
--Satya Nadella
Basic API
The basic API provides familiar MUMPS-style methods for accessing data and code.
- mumps.isOpen()
- mumps.close()
- mumps.get()
- mumps.set()
- mumps.kill()
- mumps.merge()
- mumps.order()
- mumps.mquery()
- mumps.lock()
- mumps.unlock()
- mumps.mFunction()
- mumps.mVersion()
- mumps.mEval()
Global API
The global API is a higher-level view of MUMPS data, projecting it to native CFML structures.
Custom Tags
CFMumps' custom tags provide easy access to MUMPS data from within CFML templates.
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