
Retrieves or sets the value of the referenced MUMPS global node. Note that this API only gets sets a single, scalar value at the referenced node, and not an entire global or global sub-tree. In order to get or set entire globals or global sub-trees, see global.getObject() and global.setObject().


If the newValue argument is not provided, value() will return the existing value.

newValuestringNoThe value to be set

Return Value

Returns either a string or a numeric value representing the value of the reference MUMPS global node.


<!--- this is equivalent to the following MUMPS code:
set ^people(1,"name")="John Willis"
write "Name: ",^people(1,name),!

<cfset glob = new lib.cfmumps.Global("people", [1, "name"])>
<cfset glob.value("John Willis")>

Name: #glob.value()#<br>